in fact my logging is long time:
- try in livejournal/blogger etc. blog srv.
- and before 2004 base nucleuscms publish as zqstudio.org
- from 2005 , fall in love txt2tags, base PyBlosxom publish as Zoom.Quiet’s PyBlosxom blogging
Markdown is realy easy than t2t/rST, and more and more site support .md not .t2t/.rst
esp. github is love .md
re-start 2014¶
- keep blog.zoomquiet.org all old contents
- start new domain zoomquiet.io
- usgae zoomquiet.github.io
- CNAME as blog.zoomquiet.oi
- base Pelican the Pythonic Static Site Generator
continue WyTiWyG blogging…
- ZoomQuiet/ZoomQuiet.io for Pelican
- ZoomQuiet/ZoomQuiet.github.io for github-pages
- working detail check: ZoomQuiet.io/README.md at master · ZoomQuiet/ZoomQuiet.io
historic mapping¶
140216 fixed, 加载非常慢的问题:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < emojify.js:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: emojify is not defined (index):360
GET http://blog.zoomquiet.io/theme/css/dppfsfkxrtxvae2bkdzp5lo3ldcazywl9si6vvxl-qu.woff 404 (Not Found)
140107 init. the base info of zoomquiet.io